Fern River Farm

A small Vermont farm working to nurture our land, animals, hearts, and neighbors.

Our Products

 Our Values

What we care about most.

Sustainability & Conservation

Animal Health

We are dedicated to responsible land stewardship and conserving land for future generations by implementing as many sustainable practices as possible. Practices that we are committed to include: regenerative farming, management intensive rotational grazing, reducing impacts to water quality, and minimizing our waste and chemical use. We also strive to be lifelong learners of new and innovative practices that enrich and heal the land. We specifically chose Shetland sheep as our main sheep breed because they are listed as "recovering" through The Livestock Conservancy and are a hearty, northern climate breed known for their wool quality.

We truly believe that our animals' health and happiness is directly linked to our own health and happiness as farmers. Our animals are the central focus on the farm, and their health and well being is paramount. We are committed to providing our animals with the highest quality living conditions we can, whether that means improving pastures, building shelters, or providing high quality nutrition, we believe a well cared for and loved animal is a happy one. We spend as much time out in the pasture or in the barn with our animals as possible, and we think they love it just as much as we do.

tractor haying


Hard Work

While neither of us grew up farming, we sought out the farm life for ourselves after our own individual experiences that led us in that direction and to each other. Our deep connection to the earth, dedication to conservation, and desire to see the results of a hard day's work underpin our passion for this lifestyle. We want to leave the land better than we found it, and support our family and community through our work. While it may have been a long and winding road to discover our path, we believe that we have found our true passion in farming.

We care deeply about other people, especially our local community. We strive to be good neighbors by building relationships with our community members and offering accessible, reliable, and useful products to Vermonters and visitors alike. We aim to connect meaningfully with as many other farmers and local community members as we can.

We also support causes that we truly care about through whatever means we can, including donations in the form of time, money, or advocacy.

Happenings Around the Farm

What we’ve been up to lately.