Our Animals

The Sheep

We have a flock of Shetland sheep that we are raising mainly for fiber, but also for breeding stock. If you are interested in starting or expanding your own flock, please check out our Available Animals page.

One reason we chose Shetland sheep is because they are on The Livestock Conservancy's conservation priority list of heritage breeds, in addition to their smaller size and wide range of colors! We are a provider for the Shave ‘Em to Save ‘Em (SE2SE) initiative of The Livestock Conservancy to promote the use of wool from rare sheep breeds on the Conservation Priority List.

We also have a small flock of 6 Finn sheep, who we are raising for fiber and dairy. The Finns will be our first milking sheep on the farm starting in spring 2024!

Our sheep all have names and unique personalities! We love getting to know each of them personally. We have some sheep available to go to new homes! Check out the Available Animals page for details.

The Cows

We have a mini Irish Jersey cow: Lily (registered, born May 2014), who is our milk cow. We also have a new Jersey heifer calf, Lucy (born Sept. 2023), who will be a future milk cow down the road.

Lily may be short in height, but definitely has a huge personality! Our cows are very friendly, love scratches and attention, and will run over for treats.

In our efforts towards sustainability and self-sufficiency, Lily provides us with enough milk for the two of us, and sometimes enough to share!

Milkshake and Waffle, our two mini steers, have moved to a wonderful new home in Gardener, MA at the Carl. E. Dahl house, where they help support the residents and visitors of the facility as therapy animals. We miss them dearly, but are so glad they have found an amazing new home!

The Equines

We have a young jennet (female) donkey named Clover, who is adorable, friendly, and helps us take care of our sheep! She is a big fan of attention from anyone who will pet her. She loves to follow us around like a little shadow and is always curious about what we're doing!

We also have a quarter horse named River, who is a great trail riding buddy and Clover’s new best friend. River and Clover are nearly inseparable and have taught each other a lot in addition to being best buddies.

We have both loved equines since childhood and are excited to finally have some of our own!